
Careers in Personal Fitness

Careers in Personal Fitness - Every year thousands of people get back in shape and conduct physical workouts. After all, “getting back into shape” is one of the most common New Year’s resolutions. A lot of individuals hire personal trainers or fitness experts to assist in a routine or nutrition plan. If you have outstanding people skills, enjoy staying active, and know a lot about a healthy body, than a career in personal fitness may be for you. Personal Trainer Personal trainers assist individuals in workouts both with weights and with cardio activities such as running. Personal trainers focus on the needs and desires of the individual and assist them in “getting back into shape.” Athletic Trainer Athletic trainers differ from personal trainers in that they usually work with a team or program. Athletic trainers are not only knowledgeable in personal fitness, but they also treat athletic injuries. Recreation Coordinator Recreation coordinators are hired by recreation centers and depart...

How to Teach a Dog to Get in the Pool

Before jumping in, know that getting your dog in the pool takes patience. It may take days or weeks to accomplish. Don’t force your dog to get in a pool and never resort to simply tossing him in. Stay positive, and let your dog set the pace. Starting with a Kiddie Pool Start small by setting up a kiddie pool, sans water. Get in the pool and encourage your dog to come in with you. If she’s distracted or hesitant, attach a leash to her collar and gently walk her into the pool. Say “Let’s swim” or a similar command, and issue it consistently whenever you want your dog to get in the pool. Praise and treat your dog for getting in to create a positive association. When you want your dog to exit the pool, say “All done” or another command of your choosing. Just be sure to use the same command every time so your dog associates the words with the action. Fill the pool with an inch or two of water and repeat. When your dog is in the pool, toss a few floating treats or a toy into the water and le...

5 Tips to Keep Those New Year’s Resolutions

New Year resolutions are quickly forgotten when the calendar turns to February.  Promises to go to the gym, lose weight and get fit fade as the holiday excitement comes to an end. Why do people give up on their fitness resolutions?   Perhaps it is because the exercise routine has become boring or the results are not seen as quickly as one had hoped.  Whatever the reasons for giving up on those New Year promises, here are 5 Tips for making fitness fun and interesting so that those New Year wishes can come true. 1. Keep it Fresh!  Try new exercises, hire a Personal Trainer, or take your training outside for a change of scenery. Changing things up or consulting a Personal Trainer can keep the results coming. 2. Partner Up!  Get a friend to join you in your fitness quest. Having a close friend or relative as a workout partner can help keep you on track and hold you accountable. 3. Make it Fun!  Don’t be too serious. Take it easy and just try to enjoy your ...

Importance of Fitness in Our Nation’s First Responders

Importance of Fitness in Our Nation’s First Responders - Firefighters are enjoying a calm evening around the fire station and then suddenly they get a call for a structure fire. The firefighters are expected to work at high aerobic capacities for at least the next hour in order to extinguish this fire.  The question is: Are the firefighters healthy enough to complete the task and survive? The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) estimates that there are approximately 1.1 million active volunteer and career firefighters in the United States of America.  The vast majority of these firefighters are volunteers that serve rural communities with populations less that 25,000 people. The majority of career firefighters in the United States are required to pass some kind of physical fitness assessment, however volunteer fire departments around the country do not put an emphasis on physical fitness for their firefighters. Contrary to common beliefs, the majority of on-duty firefi...

How to Use Yoga and Pranayama to Lose Weight Quickly

How to Use Yoga and Pranayama to Lose Weight Quickly - People often try to reduce weight through yoga but give up eventually when they realize that the process of reducing weight through Yoga is very slow. However, yoga and pranayama can be modified with several levels, just like jogging, strength training and intense running or weight training. Together, they can facilitate a faster weight loss. Instructions Start with pranayama. Download the Divya Yog pranayama by Swami Ramdev or any other yoga and pranayama video. Learn how to proceed with the pranayama. Just have a trial and get accustomed to the video. Adopt a good diet plan which preferably has vegetables and fruits only. Learn the pranayamas so that you can do them as needed without referencing the video. There are 7 basic pranayamas or breathing exercises you must do before you start your yoga. According to their suitability for you, you can skip two or three. But do not skip the Bhastrika pranayama, Kapalbhati pranayama, and ...

How to Use a Tired Swimmer Carry

How to Use a Tired Swimmer Carry - “How to Rescue Someone Drowning” I described “Reach, Throw, Row and Go,” the steps that you should take, in their order, to save a drowning victim. Use the same procedures for a tired swimmer, but let’s assume that you’re now in the water. Let me make the distinction clear: a drowning person is usually in full panick mode. You want to keep your distance. A tired swimmer just needs help. This problem might arise if you’re simply out frolicking in the surf with a friend who wearies. Instructions As you approach a tired swimmer ask what is wrong. Offer to swim with the victim. This is the easiest and simplest method. Sometimes, just being next to tired swimmer and offering reassuring words can encourage him to calm down and make it to shore. If the swimmer describes being taken out to sea by a rip current, you can’t swim back the same way. Rip currents are shaped by shore bottom conditions. Swim parallel to shore until the current dissipates, then swim b...

Swimming: Inground Pool Leak Detection

Nothing is more maddening to an in-ground swimming pool owner than to watch her pool’s water level drop daily through some unseen leak. In-ground swimming pool basins develop leaks through various means, including tears in pool liners. Swimming pools, though, can also develop leaks elsewhere, including their hydrostatic valves and filter systems. Other likely sources of in-ground pool leaks include around fittings and skimmers. Finding a leak in an in-ground swimming pool takes a bit of detective work but it can be done. Leak Detection The first place to check when it comes to a leak in a swimming pool is within its basin. Also, pool fittings and skimmer faceplates can develop leaks. A leak in a pool’s basin is detected through use of simple dye test to track colored water making its way to the leak. If you suspect you have a leak coming from your pool’s filter fittings or the skimmer perform a visual inspection for moisture or drips around such equipment. Dye Test Find underwater leak...