Careers in Personal Fitness

Careers in Personal Fitness - Every year thousands of people get back in shape and conduct physical workouts. After all, “getting back into shape” is one of the most common New Year’s resolutions. A lot of individuals hire personal trainers or fitness experts to assist in a routine or nutrition plan. If you have outstanding people skills, enjoy staying active, and know a lot about a healthy body, than a career in personal fitness may be for you.
Careers in Personal Fitness

Personal Trainer

  • Personal trainers assist individuals in workouts both with weights and with cardio activities such as running. Personal trainers focus on the needs and desires of the individual and assist them in “getting back into shape.”

Athletic Trainer

  • Athletic trainers differ from personal trainers in that they usually work with a team or program. Athletic trainers are not only knowledgeable in personal fitness, but they also treat athletic injuries.

Recreation Coordinator

  • Recreation coordinators are hired by recreation centers and departments to design and coordinator physical activities. Every year they hold leagues, tournaments and one-day events to promote personal fitness.


  • Nutritionists work with individuals to improve on eating habits and help people go on diets. Nutritionists understand the food pyramid really well, and know how much and what type of ingredients to eat.

Professional Weightlifter

  • Professional weightlifters are the people you see on TV with cartoon-like biceps. They constantly work out with weights, attend shows and promote personal fitness at schools and events.


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